Do we exercise morning, noon, or night to lose weight and burn more fat? This article looks at the perks and downsides of exercising at different times of the day. You can know when to do your workouts to burn the most calories and get closer to your weight loss goal. It’s all about being happy and healthy!
Morning Workout
Okay, so some of us love waking up in the morning, while others… not so much. Working out in the morning is highly desirable for people who enjoy mornings. But for the rest of us, even the thought of waking up an hour earlier than we absolutely have to can be pretty daunting! Now, if we manage to get ourselves out of bed in that first hour (especially when it’s cold outside), another challenge awaits – the idea of exercising on an empty stomach!
But let’s put that aside for a second. There are some excellent reasons why morning workouts can be significant and some compelling reasons why they might not be the best routine. Let’s break that down and take a look at the most significant perks and downsides of a morning workout.
Perks Of Morning Workout
The benefits of working out in the morning can be great because:
When our energy reserves are low, it helps us burn fat more efficiently because our bodies use fat.
It increases your metabolism, so you burn more calories throughout the day.
It keeps our energy up for the whole day ahead.
It makes it easier to focus on the exercise without such distractions.
It releases endorphins and makes us feel happy and positive in the morning. It works like a cup of coffee, waking us up naturally.
Pushing us to get up a little earlier gives us exercise time.
It keeps us mentally sharp and alert for hours afterward.
In the summer, we can exercise without overheating.
They have reduced exposure to air pollution during outdoor exercise.
It makes it easy to use exercise equipment without waiting when there is no time limit.
Read More: Exercise vs. Diet: Which is More Important for Losing Weight
Downside Of Morning Workout
While morning exercise has some fantastic benefits, it also has some drawbacks.

There are a couple of things to consider here.
- You might have to work out when you are not feeling energetic.
- Exercising in the morning can lead to injury because your muscles can become cold and tight.
- By exercising before eating, your body can use muscle for fuel, not just fat.
- If you’re not really a “morning person,” it can be hard to hit the gym regularly.
- Some people may have a slight risk of heartburn.
So, it’s best to weigh these points when deciding whether a morning workout is proper for you!
Afternoon Workout
Does everyone say working out in the morning is the way to go? Well, think about it.
Some studies say the best time to work out might be in the middle of the day!
Now, let’s break down your afternoon workout routine’s pros, cons, and pros.
Perks Of Afternoon Workout
Guess what? Here are some of the tremendous benefits of exercising during the day:
- You can be more productive because your body is warmer and your muscles are stronger during this time.
- With all your muscles warmed up, the chances of injury are less, and most of us are more alert during the day.
- Your brain clock is in prime condition for awesome performance.
- You can wash away the daytime stress with exercise.
- It gives us something fun to do before the evening winds down.
- Exercise feels easier because research says it’s not hard to do later in the day.
- It’s super convenient, and you can exercise on your lunch break.
- Finding a friend or partner to work out during the day is easy.
- You eat less because you’re not hungry, which helps you avoid big lunches.
- You may not want to overeat at dinner.
- Significantly between 3 to 7 pm, you can improve your fitness, muscle mass, and energy levels very well.
So, there are some real benefits of working out during the day!
Downside Of Afternoon Workout
Now, let’s talk about the cons when it comes to daytime exercise:
- You may have less time to squeeze in a complete workout.
- Distractions and other things can get in the way, making exercise difficult.
- Research shows that our lung function may not be optimal around midday, which affects how well we do aerobic exercise.
- Gyms are really crowded around 5 to 6 p.m., so finding available equipment can be challenging.
- Some gyms have time limits, like 20 minutes to use machines during the day.
So, it’s essential to consider these factors when deciding if daytime exercise is best for you!
Evening Workouts
For some people, the best time to go to gym is in the evening! Research examining lung function, body rhythms, temperature, and hormones shows that around 6 pm is the best time for exercise.
Let’s talk about the pros and cons of working out at night.
Perks Of Evening Workouts
Check out some benefits of the workout evening:
- Your body temperature and hormones are optimal for exercise around 6 p.m.
- Your muscles are warmed up and ready to go.
- Many people can push themselves harder because it doesn’t feel so hard later in the day.
- Exercising in the evening can help you control how much you eat for dinner.
- There is generally less traffic and fewer interruptions and distractions in the evenings.
- A gym is generally more efficient in the evening with fewer people around.
- Exercising at night can help your brain relax and calm down after a busy day.
- Exercising at night makes you feel relaxed and sleepy, which can help you sleep better.
If you’re thinking about exercising in the evening, these are fantastic things to consider!
Downside Of Evening Workouts
Some important points to consider when it comes to working out in the evenings are:
- Evenings can be busy and chaotic, with many distractions and conflicts with other commitments.
- Working out at night can give you an extra boost that will make sleeping a little more challenging.
- Exercising outdoors in the dark can be much more dangerous than during the day.
- Evenings in the summer can be the hottest time of day, which may not be the easiest to workout.
- Exercising at night doesn’t have an “afterburn” effect – our metabolism slows down while we sleep.
These are just some things to consider when deciding whether an evening workout suits your lifestyle!
Main Idea
Okay, here’s the thing about workouts: What really matters is whether we actually do it, not how much we do it. If mornings aren’t your thing or possible, but you can exercise later in the day, that’s totally okay! The key is to stay consistent. Our bodies learn when we stick to the same exercise time every day. It means having the energy and mental preparation for physical activity. This consistency is super important, especially if we’re training for a specific event.

Let’s say you’re getting ready for a 7:30 morning run. It’s also an excellent plan to practice your training around that time. When things are going well, and you have a workout routine that you love, and that works for you, that’s awesome! It doesn’t need to change. Regarding intense exercise, timing may matter a bit, but for less severe activities like easy walking, you can make the difference in the morning, afternoon, or evening. It is not a big deal, do what feels good and motivates you!
Wrapping It Up
So, when is the best time to work out to lose weight finally?
This article thoroughly examined the pros and cons of exercising at different times of the day. It’s all about getting the most out of our workouts and helping us get closer to weight loss goals. But you know? Everybody is unique. Our bodies have their own special chemicals and timing. What is scary to someone else may not be alarming to us. And you know what? Even what works great for us now may change down the road.
Here’s the big takeaway: the exercises matter; nothing about the specifics. The critical part is motivation, not the specifics of how and when.
Therefore, the best time to go to the gym is when we can do it without interruption, when we have good energy, and our bodies are ready. Plus, it can be something we can keep up with over time. That’s what really matters!