Remote work is the way of the future. To remain relevant many businesses have already embraced a remote workforce. However, managing such a workforce comes with its own set of unique advantages and challenges. You can meet these challenges with more technology, such as a virtual office background with logo.
Create Supportive Team Culture
The best way to avoid burnout is to create a robust network of support for your employees. Often, the most effective support comes from co-workers in day-to-day interactions. In a remote workforce, it can be tricky to encourage a company culture that prioritizes helping one another. Usually, proximity takes care of this. However, there are other ways to nurture this kind of camaraderie online.
Simulating the experience of being in an office can sometimes be as simple as using visual cues. For example, you can create Zoom background with company logo for use during meetings in video calls. You can also find platforms for posting memos and bulletins to keep everyone apprised of the latest, including fun personal news.
It’s worth your time to carve out online spaces for employees to mingle while not talking about work, too. It may seem counter-intuitive, but productivity will soar. Think of it as “water cooler” chit-chat. Socialization boosts morale, reinforces teamwork and creates opportunities for unlikely connections and collaboration.
Foster Collaboration
If you want collaboration, communication is key. You need to check in often with each other. So, using video conferencing software becomes vital. It is also helpful to structure a network of communication channels. Without appropriate direction, communication can become chaotic and redundant.
Putting people into teams focuses effort and lays the groundwork for a reliable hierarchy of communication. People will communicate most frequently with each other at the base team level. Then representatives from the teams can check in at a higher level, and so on. Using teams customized backgrounds can help keep everyone straight.
There is a lot of collaborative software available, as well. These platforms include tools such as filesharing, shared documents, calendar synching and messaging. You minimize miscommunication when you centralize information and make it accessible.
Make Time to Celebrate Wins
Employees work harder when they feel appreciated. Make sure that you recognize their achievements and meet their contributions with gratitude. Your company wouldn’t exist without your employees, after all.
Positive reinforcement can help mitigate the feelings of isolation many people experience while working from home. Take the time to host meetings and breakout rooms to acknowledge good work.
Going out of your way to praise your employees can be a great opportunity for all kinds of feedback. Workers are more receptive to correction when they feel you aren’t only seeing their mistakes. They can also give you feedback on what they think is working and what isn’t in regard to your management style.
Operating your business remotely gives you more flexibility in today’s marketplace. However, learning to manage a remote workforce can take a little time. Use the online tools at your disposal to aid in this endeavour.